Facebook och Politico i samarbete om politiska data

Facebook kommer att mata Politico med alla statusuppdateringar gjorda av en amerikansk Facebook-användare som nämner någon av de tänkbara presidentkandidaterna. En röstanalytikers dröm måhända, men pallar förtroendet för Facebook verkligen sånt här?

Reshared post from +Michael Mozart

This post needed expansion, thanks to and Via +Danny Sullivan


FACEBOOK agrees to share and disclose ALL Private Facebook User Messages with Politico if they mention a Presidential Candidate Politico=ABC/Disney=SOPA Supporter Supreme=Obama Re-Election Supporter Supreme


Politico is owned by Allbritton Communications, which owns television stations in Washington, D.C., and elsewhere, *all affiliated with the Disney-owned ABC network.*SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politico

QUOTE from "AllThingsD";

"Most notably, the Facebook-Politico data set will include Facebook users’ private status messages and comments. While that may alarm some people, Facebook and Politico say the entire process is automated and no Facebook employees read the posts.

Rather, every post and comment — both public and private — by a U.S. user that mentions a presidential candidate’s name will be fed through a sentiment analysis tool that spits out anonymized measures of the general U.S. Facebook population."


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Facebook Gives Politico Deep Access to Users’ Political Sentiments

A partnership between Facebook and Politico announced today is one of the more far-reaching efforts to understand how social media users feel about U.S. election candidates.

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