Klart Facebook ser över sina appar

Vi har klagat ihjäl oss på Facebook-apparna, utan att särskilt mycket har hänt. Det går fortfarande inte att kopiera text, och det är fortfarande rena hazarden att posta bilder. Ändå är det nu fler amerikaner som använder Facebook i en app än som använder webbplatsen. Det sätter #Facebook i en rejäl knipa, eftersom det inte visas några annonser i apparna. Hur ska de då göras inkomstbringande?

Reshared post from +Eli Fennell

Mobile Users Loving Facebook… to Death?

Americans officially are using Facebook's mobile app more often than Facebook for desktop. Given that the primary appeal of Facebook is as a way to keep up with friends and relations and post short replies to their posts, and to post quick status updates, photos, or videos, this shouldn't be surprising.

It's only surprising that it happened this fast. The proliferation of smartphones, tablets, and portable media devices like the iPod has happened more quickly than perhaps any prior consumer technology.

Apple was fortunate to position themselves way ahead in the market, while Google was in a position to acquire and proliferate their own mobile platform a few years later. Even technology veteran Microsoft was slow to respond, while freshman Facebook hasn't matured enough to enter the market in force (and isn't being helped by Windows Phone, either).

Can Facebook overcome this challenge? Maybe. But it won't be easy. Even Google is struggling to monetize their platform with advertising and aftermarket content, and they own the platform (but not the hardware, and they receive no licensing fees for their software). In the mobile world, Facebook is nothing but a tiny appendage on competing ecosystems.

h/t +Glenn Gabe

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